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What is the Center for Cost Effective Government?
 – The Center for Cost Effective Government is not just another think tank, it is a “do tank.”  It is a cadre of government savvy community leaders who will expose inefficiency in government and empower the public to take the legal and logistical steps necessary to actually implement the solutions promulgated by government reform think tanks.

Why Do We Need a Center for Cost Effective Government? – While we have seen many think tanks restate the problem of inefficiency in government, there is little follow through to ensure that these ideas get implemented.  The do tank takes an idea, such as the consolidation of school districts or local government, and provides the legal research, the legwork, and the leadership role in bringing various districts together to purchase their goods and procure their services through a single purchasing consortium.  The Center becomes a conduit through which many districts can learn about each other’s upcoming bids to facilitate joint bids that will provide savings through economies of scale.  The Center for Cost Effective Government can parlay its success in one locality into success throughout the nation.

The Center is dedicated toward the goal of promoting efficiencies through consolidating districts, pooling purchases and services, enhancing academic standards, reforming burdensome pension and workers’ compensation rules, and building public-private partnerships.